Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Bergen, Norway, day 1, Monday, June 17, 2019

I'll feature a daily travel blog describing
my faculty-led trip with 18 students 
from the
Washington State University Honors College here. 

We'll be travelling June 17-July 1, 2019, 
from Bergen, Norway, to Copenhagen, Denmark, 
finishing in Stockholm, Sweden.


Bergen, Norway, day 1:

Scattered between 9:25 a.m. and 15:25 p.m.
on Monday,June 17, 2019,all 18 participants
in the Honors College faculty-ledtrip to Scandinavia
arrived Flesland airport outside Bergen, Norway.
Here we begin a 15 day travel adventure
through Scandinavia: from Bergen to Copenhagen,
Denmark, finishing in Stockholm, Sweden, on July
1. Much is planned during this time: visits to
castles and museums, to city halls and cathedrals
to get a grasp of those cultures as they are now
and how they were in the past. Not least we will
pursue the Vikings as we will investigate up
close the Viking ships in Oslo and Roskilde and
the exhibits in national museums. Tomorrow
morning we start with a guided tour of Haakan's
Hall and the Rosenkrantz Tower built in the
1100s and stillsitting prominently at the entrance
to Bergen harbor.More on that in tomorrow's

Clinging to the edge below mountain sides Bergen
is famous for its rain and temperamental weather.
The first half of Monday we had beautiful sunshine.
But as the students started arriving Flesland airport
it was as if ancient Norway was sending us a
message: we are not just a pretty tourist destination 
but an an ancient land of trolls and tales, of 
seafarers and hardy Vikings who carved out a
meager living in narrow fjords. No wonder they
also went abroad.

Tired from long journeys across the Atlantic in
narrow tubes everybody was clearly stoked at
the adventure to come. The rain didn't stop us
from a fun walk through the narrow streets of
Bergen where we scoped out the famous stand
for the world's best reindeer-hotdogs and the
always bustling fish market at the pier.
And then we all crashed, finally, in our hotel beds -
to get ready for an active day tomorrow!

Stay tuned!

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