Thursday, July 28, 2016

Still, there is something endearingly refreshing about Trump's rhetoric. First of all, is it worse to be insulted than to be ignored? Is the perpetual illegality of many, which the establishment obviously care little about, a better condition than outrageous rhetoric?

There wasn't an eye dry during Obama's speech last night. Bloomberg called Trump a hypocrite. They all slammed into Trump in effect adopting his tactics; just more kosherly, in ordered speech and carefully scripted vocabulary during a night of giddy, unopposed enthusiasm. They may live to regret that. Now he has ammo for the next three months. It'll start tomorrow, Friday.

Obama himself has shed tears over the loss of life and Hiroshima. Yet, such an active supporter of drones, and of hanging on to superior nuclear capabilities, whilst hugging a Japanese victim.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Great speeches last night at the DNC! In this order: Bernie, Elizabeth, the tearsome wife, and then the last dude who gave up on a promising career as a theological motivational speaker. So many sensible perspectives - it's hard not to be hopeful if they really can carry through - do - all those right things to do. Let's hope Americans insist on that in November and following.

And then, of course, if just the Brits could engineer themselves back into the European Union, there would be cause for bliss on both sides of the Atlantic.