Friday, March 28, 2014

Way to go, Inuits!

Canadian Inuit post 'sealfies' to protest Ellen DeGeneres' Oscar-night selfie

inuit sealfie

From the article:

"The meat feeds families, which is important to an area where many households have identified that they face issues of food insecurity," said Sandi Vincent, who posted her own "sealfie" on Thursday. "In Inuit culture, it is believed seals and other animals have souls and offer themselves to you. Humanely and with gratitude we accepted this gift," she said, recalling her first seal hunt at age 15. "My uncle placed some snow in the seal's mouth when it was dead, so its soul would not be thirsty. If there is one word to describe seal-hunting, I would suggest 'respectful'."

DeGeneres' website says Canadian seal-hunting hunt is "one of the most atrocious and inhumane acts against animals allowed by any government."


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