Monday, October 28, 2013

Just to disclaim

Now, should anyone by error, chance, or whatever, happen to come by this blog - which I absolutely do not expect - as a matter of fact I sort of talk to myself on these pages - I just want to make absolutely sure that the basic disclaimer to be found at the bottom of my index-webpage, also goes for these blogs or anything that you might find, dear non-existent reader, on any of those pages associated with my webpage or blogs or however you might have ended up here: Not Washington State University, nor the WSU Honors College, or any person associated with said institutions carry any sort of responsibility - nor do the United States of America, the Kingdom of Denmark, nor the EU - for the utterings on these blog-etc.-pages, the opinions and juxtapositions expressed there all being solely mine, simply for the sake of having and expressing opinions, no matter how potentially erroneous or ill-conceived they might turn out to be.

Thank you! Now please read on...


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